Behind the Misfits
Don’t Toss That Watermelon Rind! Here’s How to Eat It
Watermelon season is in full swing, and if you’re anything like us, you’ve been devouring slice after juicy slice. But every time you cut into a watermelon, you’re left with that huge pile of rind, which usually ends up in...
Waste Free Feijoa Recipes
Ever feel like you're throwing away half the fruit when you eat feijoa? Here we have 4 epic recipes - all including the skins - perfect for feijoa season when you have them coming out of your ears! FEIJOA FRITTERS...
Colourful Cauliflower - purple, green, orange - are they natural or GMO?
Many consumers may be familiar only with white cauliflower because this is the most widely available type, but DID YOU KNOW back in the day, cauliflowers were naturally colourful! The predominant white colour that we now know is actually a result of crosses over...
We are a zero waste business
We hate to see food wasted so whenever we have surplus produce it gets donated to charity food banks around Taupō.
If you're in the Taupō or Rotorua area and know your box gets delivered by the Misfit van, you're in luck! We will collect your old boxes and put them to use again, leave them out for us in a dry spot on delivery day.